BK Quality
A Quality Outcome Every Time
How We View Quality
At BK quality is a philosophy, and a highly structured process. The result is high quality project every time, no excuses, no exceptions.
Quality outcomes are insured by our process which begins before we are actually awarded a project and doesn’t end until the final sign off.
The BK Quality Assurance Protocol
Take Off
Bid Formulation
Scope Review
- Assessing client sensibilities, culture and expectations
- A spec compliance review utilizing the Tile Counsel of North America (TCNA) and the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
- Ongoing plan addendum search, analysis and adjustment
- Assessment of field conditions impacting quality
Contractual Review/Scheduling
- Review project/schedule/ quality issues with project management
- Review contractual issues that have a potential impact on quality
- Review of aesthetic, dimensional and design compatibility of materials
- Assess material for defect/significant shape and shade variance
- Review for optimal application specifications
Pre Installation Review
- Initial layout design reviewed and approved by GC/Architect in writing before work proceeds
- Mock up creation, if indicated
- Pre install review of existing conditions
On The Job Quality
- Ongoing layout review to insure conformity or adjustment as indicated
- Establish and maintain installation and layout method
- BK foreman conducts daily quality five point quality review
Finalization: Quality Review
- Final comprehensive quality and punch list review
- Final consulation with GC to insure satisfaction including quality considerations
Daily Five Point Quality Review Summary:
1. Layout conformity
2. Cuts
3. Flatness
4. Levelness
5. Joint Finishes
Quality is No Accident
At BK Tile & Stone it’s an outcome you can depend on with every project we do.